Tuesday, August 13, 2024

More LGBTQ poetry to get to know, Part I

As we prepare to discuss the second half of Invisible History: The Collected Poems of Walta Borawski, co-edited by our very own Philip Clark and Michael Bronski, next week, it's high time that I catch up on sharing the LGBTQ-themed poems (not all by LGBTQ poets, I should note) from the American Academy of Poetry's Poem-a-Day newsletter. These poems were disseminated in June and early July 2024. Enjoy!

In Summer                                            by Lord Alfred Douglas

Love Stronger Than Death                    by Agnes Mary Frances Duclaux

Fear                                                        by Liv Mammone

Aubade for the Habana Inn                    by Chrysanthemum 

Loom                                                        by Bradley Trumpfheller

Imago Dei                                                by Nora Hikari

no one wants to be rough anymore         by Xan Forest Phillips

Love poem with a dying cat                    by Nen G. Ramirez

against cleansing                                    by Marlin M. Jenkins

Untitled 1975-86                                    by jason b Crawford

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