Sunday, April 14, 2019

One of the many names David Plante drops...

In the course of making my way through the long middle section of David Plante's Becoming a Londoner, which we'll be discussing this coming Wednesday, I came across a reference that stirred a vague memory.  On pp. 267-268, Plante expresses angst over the apparent end of his friendship with a fellow American writer, also resident in London, named Rachel Ingalls.

Turns out the reason that name rang a faint bell was because Ms. Ingalls died in March at the age of 78, and the obituaries in the New York Times and the Washington Post both referenced the fact that her best-known novel, Mrs. Caliban, bears a striking resemblance to "The Shape of Water," Guillermo Del Toro's Oscar-winning 2017 film.  (Del Toro denied ever having read the book.)

It truly is a small world, after all!

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