Sunday, December 9, 2018

"female-presenting nipples"

A very interesting opinion piece in the Post  last week: "RIP Tumblr porn. You made me who I am." Of course I knew about Tumblr (and not for the politics of "Riverdale" — ahem!) but had little idea that this site had become such a queer matrix. Now, alas, all is revealed, including an all-purpose ign*nce on the part of CEO Jeff D'Onofrio's underlings who presumably didn't waste a second pondering whether the "female-presenting nipples" of this post's title would be Cis or Trans and are entirely ignorant of the wisdom they might receive from the lactating Madonna

RIP indeed!


Tim said...

As soon as I posted this I realized that D'Onofrio's (so I will call the author for the sake of simplicity) grotesque circumlocution could only have arisen from Cis-Trans binary confusion. Nonetheless I'll let it stand and present another "female-presenting nipple" in a subsequent post (q.s.).

DCSteve1441 said...

Thanks, Tim. I considered posting the Post piece, but decided the link to literature was just a bit TOO tenuous for our blog. But I'm glad you felt otherwise!
