Wednesday, May 27, 2020

R.I.P., Larry Kramer

The Washington Post and New York Times are reporting the passing of LGBT author and activist Larry Kramer, at the age of 84. Although we have only discussed two of his many works so far—Faggots (November 2002) and The Normal Heart (May 2006)—he has been a prominent figure in dozens of other books we've read. In addition to those obituaries, here is Michael Specter's New Yorker Postscript, "The Benevolent Rage of Larry Kramer," and Dr. Tony Fauci's touching New York Times tribute, titled "We Loved Each Other." No doubt there are dozens of other reminiscences and assessments of Kramer's life and work out there, with more on the way; but unless I come across something truly extraordinary, I'll trust that those of you who are interested will find them on your own.

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